Am I Owed Wages, Commissions, Expense Reimbursements, Premium Payments or Other Benefits?

Unpaid Wages, Overtime, Commissions, Expenses  

“Wage-theft” is the biggest form of theft in America.  Corporations profit billions through wage-theft practices each year.  

Examples of wage-theft include:

  • Treating an employee as an “exempt” employee but not paying them accordingly
  • Not paying premium-wages (“time and a half”) for hours worked beyond 8 hours in a day, or 40 hours in a week (“over-time work”) 
  • Failing to pay earned commissions
  • Failing to compensate employees for required at-home work
  • Failing to pay for any off-the-clock work or work that is completed after clocking out, examples of this are:
    • Not paid for time spent going through required security checks, before or after clocking out (a few minutes a day adds up to hundreds of dollars in lost wages).
    • Not being paid for any time spent before clocking in to prepare for work or wait around for someone to allow access into the workplace.
  • Failing to reimburse of compensating for business expenses, examples include requiring an employee to:
    • use a personal cellphone or home phone
    • use personal computer/laptop and/or internet
    • use personal vehicle/gas or other travel expenses incurred for work purposes (other than getting to and from work).
    • purchase required uniforms 
    • purchase required supplies to perform assigned tasks 

Meal Breaks and Rest Periods 

  • Hourly workers are entitled to a 30-minute uninterrupted meal break every 5-hour work period. If that meal break is interrupted or not taken, the employee is entitled to premium wages (time and half) for that time   
  • “Uninterrupted” means not to be bothered, at all. You are legally entitled to spend this time however you like, free from any pressure or encouragement to do work. Also, you must be allowed to leave the premises  
  • Violations usually occur when there is understaffing and the employer expects the worker to continue working, but not receive premium pay   
  • Every California worker is entitled to a 10-minute rest break after 3.5 hours of work, and a second break if worked between 6 to 10 hours. These also must be “uninterrupted”  

Results Delivered, Trust Us 

Jackson APC protects workers from these unlawful practices and has recovered millions of dollars in stolen wages for hard-working people. Some recent examples of our results:

  • $2.5 million dollars for misclassified truck drivers 
  • $2,375,000 for trucking dispatch workers 
  • $800,000 for restaurant workers 
  • $700,000 for hotel workers 
  • $400,000 factory workers

Tell Us Your Story, Let Us Help 

If you have questions about unpaid wages, overtime pay, commission compensation or unreimbursed expenses or any other issue concerning wage theft, we want to speak with you.  Please contact our firm at 949-281-6857 for a free consultation.