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Advocating For Worker and Consumer Rights and Accelerating Societal Change For More Than a Decade



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California Employment and Consumer Law Firm

As a worker or consumer in California, you have certain rights that must be respected. You can’t be treated unfairly and taken advantage of based upon any type of protected characteristic or vulnerability.

If your rights have been violated in any way, call Jackson APC.

Our California employment and consumer law attorneys will fight to make things right. We’ll put 16+ years of experience to work to hold companies accountable for their actions and to achieve the best possible solution to your labor or consumer dispute.

Call our law offices in Orange County, California to discuss your case in confidence with our legal team. Your first evaluation is absolutely free, so don’t hesitate to connect with a labor and employment or consumer law attorney online or by phone today

Proven Experience

$2.5 Million

$2.5 Million for class of truck drivers independent contractor misclassification workers 

$2.375 Million

$2.375 Million for class of dispatch workers 


$800,000 For class restaurant workers meal and rest break claims


$700,000 For class hotel workers meal and rest break claims


$625,000 For class warehouse workers meal and rest break claims


$600,000 Individual disability discrimination claim against pharmacy


$600,000 Individual age discrimination claim against warehouse company


$485,000 Individual sexual harassment claim against clothing retailer


$380,000 Individual retaliation claim against charter school

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Client Reviews

View All Testimonials

Jackson APC listened to my story and empathized with my circumstances. I am thankful I was able to find Jackson APC.

B. Taylor

Jackson APC fought for my rights. This firm did what was necessary in order to get the result I deserved.

Eladio B.

During my litigation, Jackson APC truly made a positive impact on my life and vindicated my rights. If I ever need legal assistance, I will go to Jackson APC.

Leslie B.

I really felt taken advantage of until Jackson APC stepped in and vindicated my rights. I truly felt protected once Jackson APC was on my side.

Vanessa L.



Your job – your career-your protections – are fundamental to everything that you do. It’s how you pay the bills, obtain services, take care of your family, and keep a roof over their heads. When your job, your service, or ability to earn the money you deserve are threatened because of your employer’s or a company’s unlawful actions, you must take firm action to make things right.

At Jackson APC, our employment and consumer law attorneys in California have spent 16+ years fighting to help people just like you – individuals who have experienced inexcusable violations of their rights in the workplace and economy.

Our mission is simple: to make a positive impact on the lives of our clients and their families. We are passionate about what we do and are prepared to invest what time and resources are necessary to emerge from your employment and consumer law dispute with a win.

Our Southern California employment and consumer law lawyers have successfully handled hundreds of employment and consumer cases. We’ve successfully negotiated favorable settlements, won significant verdicts at trial and won several cases for our clients on appeal. To date, we’ve recovered millions in deserved compensation on our clients’ behalves.

Let us put our considerable experience to work for you. Call our respected employment and consumer law attorneys in California for a free consultation today.

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Employers and corporations in California tend to have more resources at their disposal than most employees and consumers. This can make it challenging for workers and consumers whose rights have been violated to bring an employment or consumer action and demand compensation for the wrongs they’ve encountered. At least, that’s how it usually goes.

That’s not the case when you turn to the California employment and consumer law attorneys at Jackson APC. Founding partner Armond Jackson has a mission: to advocate for the most vulnerable victims who, in most situations, wouldn’t be able to afford access to justice.

Under his guidance and leadership, our law firm is dedicated to providing compelling, effective, and winning legal representation to all individuals and representative classes across the state of California.

Our employment and consumer lawyers are here to help you level the playing field and force your employer or company to take accountability. We’re here to provide the resources and tools necessary to get a win when you and your family need it most. Get in touch with our respected employment and consumer law attorneys to get started today


Over the course of his decade-long legal career, Armond Jackson has secured a reputation as both a respected leader and a formidable adversary in employment litigation in the state of California. In other words: he’s a fierce advocate for his clients and has established a winning track record in the hundreds of cases he’s handled.

His hard work and dedication have been recognized by leading publications and platforms, including:

  • The National Trial Lawyers Association (Top 100 Lawyer)
  • Best Lawyers in America
  • American Association for Justice
  • Martindale Hubble, and
  • LawDragon.

Over the course of his decade-long legal career, Armond Jackson has secured a reputation as both a respected leader and a formidable adversary in employment and consumer litigation in the state of California. In other words: he’s a fierce advocate for his clients and has established a winning track record in the hundreds of cases he’s handled.

His hard work and dedication have been recognized by leading publications and platforms, including:

The National Trial Lawyers Association (Top 100 Lawyer)
Best Lawyers in America
American Association for Justice
Martindale Hubble, and

When you find yourself on the brink of employment litigation or consumer litigation in California, it’s Armond Jackson and the team at Jackson APC that you’ll want in your corner. We represent clients in all employment disputes, consumer disputes, and wage and hour disputes across Southern California. Get in touch with our respected employment law attorneys and consumer law attorneys to get started today.

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Practice Areas


We’ll Help You Stand Up to Deep-Pocketed Corporations

There Are No Up Front Costs Involved

Employment Claims and Consumer Claims Are Complicated – You Deserve An Experienced Advocate

It’s not to say that large companies or corporations are the only ones who violate their workers’ rights. But, these companies do tend to have a lot of money and power – which means standing up for yourself can be a huge challenge. You might even worry that taking legal action will just be a lost cause. You don’t have to go it alone – our California employment law attorneys are here to help you take a stand. We have the experience and financial resources to ensure that you and your employer are on equal footing as you pursue the results you rightfully deserve.

Maybe you’ve been misclassified or denied wages you’ve earned. Or, maybe you were fired for speaking up about discrimination you experienced at the hands of a supervisor. The bottom line is that a violation of your workplace rights has taken a toll on your financial stability. 

Can you really afford to hire an employment lawyer to help you initiate legal action against your employer? Yes – because there are absolutely no up-front costs involved in hiring our law firm. We’ll file a claim, investigate and interview parties, gather evidence, and work diligently to secure a successful result in your employment dispute. When we win, our team will recover a percentage of your winnings. It’s that simple – and it means there’s no risk involved in asking for our help.

You’re protected by both federal and California labor laws. That means that the course of action you’ll have to take to make things right will depend on how your rights were violated. And, it’s not as simple as filing a lawsuit against your employer or corporation. There may be federal and/or state claims that will have to be exhausted first. Our lawyers have 16+ collective years of experience navigating employment disputes and consumer disputes just like yours. We know the law, we know the rules, and we know how to help you get the results you deserve.

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